About me

I’m Lucy, mum of two young children, a yoga + movement teacher and lover of gardens, quiet times and whole hearted living.  I believe that movement can be medicine, deep connection and joyous expression, often all at once.  I’ve been teaching yoga for over a decade. 

I came to yoga about 20 years ago, living in London and a little lost with what it was I was meant to be doing with this one precious life.  I found a yoga class in a church hall and never looked back.  It is the essence of this first experience that continues to underpin my classes to this day: High quality teaching, serving the communities I love; unpretentious, accessible, playful movement that is beneficial and relevant to our busy lives.  

Having struggled with anxiety and depression, I found that a regular yoga practice gave me ways to move, breathe and settle my nervous system that I didn’t expect to find.  Whilst not a cure-all panacea, the quiet practice of coming home to yourself is a valuable gift. 

My classes are for those who want to explore dynamic movement, breathe better and feel more empowered and connected to their bodies within a safe, compassionate setting.  

My classes are also about functional movement. No ‘one-size-fits-all’, no body-beautiful perfectionism, no wild pretzel shapes simply for the sake of it!  Rather about moving well and feeling good, however that looks and feels for you. 

I hold additional teaching qualifications in Pre-and Postnatal Yoga, Hypnobirthing, Yin Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Restore Your Core® Method.

Please do take a look at the classes and events we have on offer, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions at all. I look forwards to welcoming you to a class very soon!

Lucy x